More Women Choosing Internet Compared to Sex

Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

Increasingly sophisticated technology. As a result people often protracted preoccupation provided with their gadgets. In fact, a survey found that literate women to put Internet technology is more important than sex.

Women's new research conducted at NBCU, a media consortium is aimed at marketing promotions for women, reveals that women are becoming increasingly fascinated with the internet and their gadgets. Approximately 54 percent of women than men have a smartphone that just 46 percent, on Monday (25 / 7).

Women in this NBCU surveyed women and men aged 18-54 years.

This fact is not surprising. According to a poll that 75 percent of women disagreed with the statement "men are more comfortable with technology than women."

Moreover, women have more friends on social networks than men. Women check their profile for about four or five times a day and spend at least 3.3 hours online per day for non-work activities.

Meanwhile, women are also becoming more interested in the game. Although men have traditionally dominated the gaming world, as much as 75 percent of women with smartphones has gaming applications compared with 67 percent of men. Even the Nintendo Wii video game console is more popular among women, with 44 per cent have it compared with 41 percent of men.

"Three-quarters of the population of women online, and they are more passionate and consuming digital world more widely," said Melissa Lavigne-Delville, vice president of trends and strategic insights on the NBC Universal Integrated Media, in a press release.

When the researchers asked men and women to name three things that make them can not live without it in a month, both agree they need the internet and sleeping. For a third choice, men chose sex, whereas females choose a shower.

This story is provided by TechNewsDaily, site civil LiveScience. (FoxNews / MEL)

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